How can I increase my search engine ranking

Search Engine Optimization Resources, How can I increase my search engine ranking? You’ve built it. It’s finally done. Subscribe it to the search
How can I increase my search engine ranking

How can I increase my search engine ranking - You’ve built it. It’s finally done. Subscribe it to the search engines and away you go. You’re rich and famous! Not exactly. Search engines are not going to provide you mass amounts of fame and fortune. Consistently staying ranked high in them takes time and effort. 

While search engine ranking is somewhat overrated, it is extremely important because it’s free (or almost free) traffic. Below are some things you can do to optimize your search engine ranking.

Meta Keyword Tags

Keyword tags are ignored by most search engines. Keyword tags were the prime contributing factor to ranking at one time. As the WWW grew, search engines began ignoring keyword tags due to inaccurate content. People can put popular words and phrases in their keyword tags that have nothing to do with their site.

Meta Description Tags

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>
<meta name=”description” content=”search engine optimation and ranking strategies. Tips on how to build Web pages that will rank high in search engines.”>

Page Title

<TITLE>search engine optimization ranking increase tips strategies</TITLE>

Very important. 5 - 8 words long. Make sure the title is in direct relation to your content on the page. It’s best if the same words in your title are also used in the body of the document but don’t over do it. Try not to use the title of the page word for word in the body of the page. This could be seen as spamming. Leave out meaningless words like “the”, “or”, “I”, “and”. 

Use descriptive words that people will search by. Remember that the words to the left carry more weight than words to the right. Start your title with the words most will search by. It always seems to work best leaving everything lower case. Some search engines do not discriminate against plural versions and some engines do. That’s luck of the draw. Do not repeat words in the same title.

Link Popularity

If you can get your Website linked from other popular Websites then it makes your site more appealing to search engines. Please note that this does not refer to link exchange programs. Pages full of links are not popular pages in most search engines. What you want to do is get your Website linked from popular pages, not just somewhere on a popular Website. Here is a great article about how Google determines site popularity.

Reciprocal Linking is Dead. Long Live Link Popularity!

Heading tags





<H5> </h5>

Heading tags are looked at by some search engines as a direct indicator of what this page is about. The only thing annoying about these tags is they leave large blocks of space in your page. None the less they do work.


Search engines like to see search words appear multiple (not grossly multiple) times on a page with a good distribution across the page.

Key words in links

Using a search word in a link is a big plus. If you think most people will find your site by searching with the word “motorcycle” then use the word motorcycle in a link on the page if possible.

Alternate text for images

“alt” tags on images. If the graphic descriptions match the overall page description you have proven you are a quality content resource. You also score big points with handicapped people as these alt tags are used to describe content when it cannot be seen.

Avoid Repetition

Don’t over do it. Use a nice even flow of content and descriptors but do not over load your pages with repeating content.

Avoid Redirecting

Don’t build false pages packed full of content that redirect the user to the home page when they load. Many people do this especially if their pages are heavily data driven. Redirecting does not work. Pages that have scripts in them to redirect upon page loading are almost always sniffed out and will never be ranked.


You should only have to submit your Web site one time to the major search engines. Once a search engine adds one of your pages to their index it will crawl (also called spider) your Web site periodically and index all your pages including new pages. Submit the home page and let the engine do it’s work. 
If you have paid for inclusion then you likely will be paying on a per page basis. Thus, you must submit each page but only submit it one time.

Optimization Software

You can find software on the market such as Webposition Gold that will help you optimize your search engine ranking in many engines. Each search engine has different ranking criteria. Your page may be #1 in google but #56 in AltaVista. Use tools like these to help you build pages that will rank as high as possible in many engines.

It takes time

Unless you pay for inclusion, most engines take 6 - 20 weeks to index you. It does not happen overnight.